About the Project

If you decide to participate in the study, you can indicate this to the research team by sending an email to Dr. Almila Akdag (a.a.akdag@uu.nl), or fill-in the form on this website. We will organize an interview day/time that is convenient for you, and find a location that suits your needs the best. We will make sure to find a place for the interview that is safe and silent, where you feel secure. This could be your home, a local library, or an office space in Utrecht University.

  • Interview Setup and Duration

During the interview you will be alone with the interviewer. The expected duration of the interview is about 60 minutes, including the breaks. The preparation for the interview, i.e. setting up the laptop for data collection, and attaching breathing belts/heart monitors to you and the interviewer will take about 30 minutes. Your breathing, and heart rate will be recorded during the interview. Your audio as well as your video will be recorded as well, though you do have the option of not being filmed.

  • Advantages and disadvantages of participation

By participating in this study you will contribute to raising awareness about the earthquake that happened in Turkey and Syria. The information that we obtain from your interview combined with the physical aspects (breathing pattern, heart rate), will contribute to researching emotional speech in a more private manner. These advantages are not directly related to you, but are contributions to your community, to the Dutch society, as well as to the scientific community.

A possible disadvantage is that the interview may be emotionally hard for you. We will ask questions that will let you remember what happened after the earthquake. This may evoke negative emotions, such as sadness and anger. During the interview, you will have the option to stop at any time you feel discomfort, and wish not to continue. You may take breaks, or work with us in more than one interview, depending on what suits you best.

  • Compensation

The participation will be compensated in travel reimbursement if you decide to come to the Utrecht University for the interview. We will also give a small amount of compensation (15 Euro) in the form of a voucher.